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Saturday, April 24, 2010

 Not every day goes smoothly. 

The alarm mysteriously doesn't sound, you're only 15 minutes behind but those precious few make all the difference in the world for carpool! And you had hoped to have a little time to yourself before heading out for your day. There was a mistake in the credit card bill and you wanted to glance at it before paying online. OH MY GOSH! There's a meeting after work today and you have to find someone to take the kids to soccer ...

Not every day goes smoothly for your child, either. 

You couldn't go to sleep because of the thunderstorm. Daddy stayed with you for awhile but the lightning and thunder came back and it scared you. You were so tired this morning and Mommy was rushing you out the door and you didn't have time to finish your cereal and toast. OH MY GOSH! You forgot your family pictures for show and tell! What will Mrs. Whaley say?!!

From way over here, it doesn't seem like these scenarios are all that bad. What's the common thread here? 

Fatigue, rushing, being hard on yourself. How you choose to handle the little things often sets the tone for the day. We try to be as organized as we can. We want to do things well, to be on time, to run smoothly ... but some days are more hectic than others. 

Irritation can be infectious. It can ruin your day. When you are feeling the pressures of the world - serious or not-so-serious - TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Take 3 of them. Close your eyes and allow yourself a moment of collection. Running late may not be optimum but it might be the best choice for the day. Relaxing into what is happening at the moment - serious or not-so-serious - helps everyone calm down. A nourishing breakfast, remembered homework, getting that bill paid - makes for a more logical and reasonable start to everyone's day and could affect that meeting after school as well as how that soccer game is played.

The best defense against Irritation is to relax and breathe. Somehow when we stop, we see what's really important. Our relationships, our sanity, our well-being.

Start your day with a SMILE!

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Dollies made by Sally Cobaugh. Photos by Kittie Beletic. To see more dolly pictures and read the book "A Friend Like You!", Click

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Up, Up and Away!

One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is permission to explore his imagination. Like a balloon floating into the sky, Creativity goes where the wind blows and it sometimes leads a merry chase. Creativity is a messy activity and sometimes it's tempting to cut it short or clean it up before the creating is finished. Creativity isn't convenient either. It can happen when you have dinner half-way cooked or on the way to school or during your favorite television show. Sometimes we have to stick to our schedule, but if there's any way to stop what you're doing when Creativity strikes in your child, DO IT. When you encourage your child to have original thoughts (even if they are only original to him), when you allow ideas to roll and mistakes to manifest ... that's when learning is at its finest. Creativity somehow always finds its way home and when it is free (like the balloon) to get carried away, there's no telling how high we can soar!